Clinic Mission: The provision of adequate pre-natal delivery and post-partum care are of vital importance. With proper care babies can be safely delivered without the transmission of HIV from their infected mother, and can receive immediate attention to any presenting problems. Women can get the full benefits of clean and educated medical car throughout pregnancy and delivery, resulting in fewer deaths and happier babies. The clinic will also serve as a center for the prevention of disease, education, well-baby care, and medical emergencies. Prevention will include malaria testing, distribution of nets, vaccinations for polio, TB, DPT, measles, as well as HIV/AIDS testing. Education will focus on issues pertaining to family planning, clean water, HIV, and other concerns. Prevalent diseases such as malaria, worms, and pneumonia will be professionally diagnosed and treated.

June 3, 2010, Diane and Gloria accompanied by several of the principal donors returned to Olmoti. They were met by hundreds of Maasai women, men and children in a celebration as joyous as any in recent memory. The celebration was introduced by Mr. James Ole Millya the Regional Commissioner. The founders’ comments to the crowd began, “When we met a year ago, your women asked us to build a clinic…

A little goes a long way. Contributions are most welcome.

$5 = Misoprostol: effective in both preventing and treating postpartum hemmorahage
$10 = A clean Delivery Kit: complete with medical necessities for a clean and safe delivery
$25 = Will purchase eight long-lasting insecticidal mosquito nets to protect against malaria
$50 = Rapid HIV Test kits: determines if expectant mother is HIV positive.
$100 = Will purchase a three month supply of children’s multi-vitamins
$500 = Ivermectin treatments to eliminate Onchocerciasis, known as River Blindness
$2500 = A laptop + software: electronic record keeping of patient files
$4500 = A solar system to accomodate a 29,000 sq. (10/rm) medical clinic
$5000 = 5,000 liter water storage tank – stores rainwater to reserve for dry season


Your tax-deductible check should be made out to Media Alliance; in memo section indicate A Global Connection. Checks can be mailed to:
Gloria Upchurch
A Global Connection
512 Van Ness Ave, #317
San Francisco, CA 94102