Community Images provides encouragement for kids to explore and photograph scenes that depict a unique and insightful perspective of their own lives in their world as they see it. Armed with only camera students can discover new and creative outlets to express themselves. In addition they are introduced to a completely different culture giving them the opportunity to develop their creativity, building self-confidence, and gaining new life perspectives through the lenses of the camera.

Most importantly, they have fun….

ACG provides point & shoot digital or film camera (depending on the location) to each child to use during the two-day camp. Ages range from 8 to 13 years old. The major goal of this program is two-part; to have fun, and engage in conversation while viewing each others pictures through instant feedback that a digital camera will provide. And, lastly to build a body of work to exhibit in a high profile venue where the pictures will be sold, and all proceeds going towards the education of children in their perspective communities, i.e. books, uniforms, school supplies, and tuition for those children whose families cannot afford it.

Material and Equipment needed: point & shoot digital and film cameras, 35mm film b/w & color, sd/compact flash cards, digital printing paper, batteries, 2/laptops, 2/portable printers

For more information or to donate equipment to the Community Images “Kids With Camera” program, please contact us.

See news updates for Kids With Camera.

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